Dez. 27 2024

Why and When You Should Use Redux

Since more and more JavaScript frameworks and libraries are adopting components as the de-facto way if creating web applications,
we will also look at the problem from this perspective. The Redux store is the source of truth that contains the entire application’s current state. This is pretty subjective, but components that are over several hundred lines of code start to become harder to reason and maintain. Separating out the state management into a reducer breaks up the code and makes it more readable.

  • If a model can update
    another model, then a view can update a model, which updates another
    model, and this, in turn, might cause another view to update.
  • It should be considered and maintained as a single source of truth for the state of the application.
  • Sometimes those changes take place right in the UI component the user interacts with.
  • Some developers put all their application’s data into the Redux store, but you can still keep some data in your components local state if you want – it’s up to you to decide where data belongs.
  • This usually happens when your app grows to the scale where managing app state becomes a hassle; and you start looking out for making it easy and simple.

In this case, we’re depositing some money into our account. You’ll notice that the curly braces are after the arrow are wrapped in parentheses. This is because we are implicitly returning why redux an object, rather than opening up a function block. The Redux store, similar to component state, is simply an object. In order to update that object, we need to provide some information.

Let’s Talk About Your Project

Are you donating it to the teller’s personal vacation fund? What if the teller adds it to your worst enemy’s account?! Are you bribing the teller to withdraw a bunch of money from your boss’s account?

why redux

Just as all rivers lead to the ocean, the data in a Redux application flows in one direction to lead to the store. All data in an application follows the same lifecycle pattern, making the logic of your app more predictable and easier to understand. It also encourages data normalization, so that you don’t end up with multiple, independent copies of the same data that are unaware of one another. This means the data no longer has to be passed down through multiple levels of components. This can make the code simpler, and since fewer components are involved, it can also improve rendering performance. This piece can be harder to understand, since – unlike action creators and actions – we don’t write it!

Reasons for using React Redux

Redux has a very well explained guide that can help you get started. Although you can use Redux with different frameworks and libraries, it is most commonly used with React. While it is possible to use Redux with almost any UI layer, it was originally intended for React usage.

These functions don’t rely on the state they’re called from, and they return only one and the same result for any provided argument. Also, you can avoid using Redux if your data comes from a single data source per view. In other words, if you don’t require data from multiple sources, there’s no need to introduce Redux.

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Redux “reducer” is a function that describes how the application´s state changes and returns a new state. But how does it know which part of the state to change? Redux “store” is a centralised place that holds the entire state/data of the application. This is where the application, for example, saves your username to use it in different areas. And the only way to change the state stored is to go through a “reducer”.

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